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32 €


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3400 €





AI Developer




Language skills

English B2

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- EOR  199 €/month

- Success fee 8%


ai python chatbot chatgpt


Banking Research Services

Professional Summary

Candidate isa Software Engineer with 4 years of experience in developing and implementing software solutions. Candidate is a talented professional currently working at the Bank of Georgia, where she plays a pivotal role in developing the core of an AI chatbot. This chatbot is designed to operate across various channels, serving as a sophisticated replacement for human operators in the call center. Her daily responsibilities involve addressing user queries, executing specific actions, creating APIs, and delving into the analysis of chatbot data. Candidate's role extends beyond routine tasks, as she actively contributes to the development and improvement of the chatbot's functionality and performance. One notable aspect of candidate's contributions is her focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) for the chatbot. Recognizing the importance of data-driven insights, she developed a Chatbot Data Analyzer. This tool is instrumental in scrutinizing user intents and dialogues, providing valuable analytics to enhance the chatbot's efficiency and user experience. Beyond her work in the banking sector, candidate has demonstrated versatility by contributing to augmented reality (AR) application projects. These projects involved developing solutions for detecting collisions and geometric squads, showcasing her proficiency in tackling diverse technological challenges. Candidate's programming expertise centers around Python, which she primarily uses in her daily tasks. Additionally, she has experience with a range of programming languages, including C#, C++, JSON, and JavaScript. 

Video of Talent



Georgian Technical University / Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics and Management Systems

2016 - 2020


  • Python for Data Science, AI & Development - IBM

  • Rasa Developer Certification - RASA

  • Google Developers Student Club - GAU

  • HackerRank Python Certificate - HackerRank

  • Complete Python Developer in 2020 - Udemy

Certifications and Trainings


AI Software Engineer / Bank of Georgia

Aug 2020 - Present

Tbilisi, Georgia

  • Working on a chatbot project at the Bank of Georgia with a scrum methodology, aimed at enhancing customer experience by implementing a chatbot in multiple channels. 

  • Successfully increased Full-Service Rate by a remarkable 32%. 

  • Devising and developing Chatbot Core, Middleware, and an automated Mongo Database Dialogues Analyzer.

AR Application Developer / CERN

Dec 2019 - Aug 2020

Tbilisi, Georgia

  • Establishing CORE for optimal application functionality. 

  • Implementing surface detection to ensure a seamless user experience. 

  • Enabling robust interaction with surfaces and cursor for a comprehensive understanding.

  • Incorporating ATLAS Detector geometries to augment user experience. 

  • Enhancing user experience by allowing users to extract, select, zoom, and rotate each section of geometry.

  • Developing features for puzzling models to stimulate user engagement creating a presentation mode for an immersive experience.

Software Quality Engineer / CERN

Oct 2017 - Dec 2019

Tbilisi, Georgia 

As a Software Quality Engineer and Developer at CERN I developed software quality scanning and analysis tool based on C++, Bash and JS programming languages. It scanned all files in ATLAS offline Software "ATHENA" and generated local reports in '.csv' files. The application was designed to be used by developers to identify and fix errors in their code and by project managers to monitor the quality of the code and the commits.


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