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Hire as Employee

1010 €





Accounting Specialist




Language skills

English B1

Hire employees directly, with full complaince, using our Employer Of Record (Payroll) service.

- EOR  199 €/month

- Success fee 8%




Financial Services

Professional Summary

Candidate brings a robust background in accounting, showcasing their expertise through their professional experiences. They spent 2 years at Nexia TA, where they are serving as an accountant. During this tenure, they acquired foundational skills in accounting and gained practical experience in managing financial transactions. In their current role in accounting, the candidate has assumed responsibilities that encompass a broad spectrum of financial activities. They are actively engaged in handling daily tasks, tax declarations, and responding to requests from accounting staff. Their involvement in financial analysis and reporting, covering areas such as balance, cash flow, movement, capital movement, and profit and loss, reflects their ability to delve into the complexities of financial data. An important aspect of their role is their adherence to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), particularly for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The candidate is actively involved in invoice management. Regular communication with clients and vendors, including those from various countries such as Russia, England, South Africa, and Germany, highlights their experience in dealing with international stakeholders. In terms of tools, the candidate utilizes accounting software like Oris. Their proficiency in Excel suggests a hands-on approach to data analysis and reporting, a valuable skill in the accounting domain.

Video of Talent



Caucasus University 

2019 - 2022 

Certifications and Trainings


Accounting Assistant / NEXIA TA Georgia 


Nov 2021 - Present


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An Employer of Record (EOR) is a third-party entity that manages onboarding and administrative tasks on behalf of your business. EORs enable you to hire internationally without having to establish a commodity in different countries

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